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Shopping Guide: Japanese Cotton Cheesecake

What’s all the hype about Japanese cotton cheesecake?? Actually, there is no such thing as “Japanese Cheesecake” in bakeries in Japan.  Usually, you will see 3 Types of Cheesecakes in Japan.

Actually, there is no such thing as “Japanese Cheesecake” in bakeries in Japan.  Usually, you will see 3 Types of Cheesecakes in Japan.

  • Baked Cheesecake (ベイクドチーズケーキ)

  • Rare Cheesecake (レアチーズケーキ)

  • Soufflé Cheesecake (スフレチーズケーキ)

Baked Cheesecake is the typical cheesecake. It has eggs, cream cheese, heavy cream, flour and it’s baked in the oven.  Some may have a biscuit crust on the bottom, and some don’t.

Rare Cheesecake is a “no-bake cheesecake” outside of Japan.  The cream cheese and heavy cream are mixed with gelatin or lemon juice, then poured over the biscuit crust, and cooled to set inside the refrigerator.  Eggs are not used in this recipe. This version is often served with berries or other types of fruits.

Soufflé Cheesecake is the one you’re looking for. Soufflé Cheesecake originated in Japan and is widely known as Japanese Cheesecake or Japanese Cotton Cheesecake outside of Japan.  It incorporates the egg whites into the cake mixture and baked in a bain-marie (water bath). via Just One Cookbook

At Tensuke Market, we carry Koriyama’s Deliciously Light Cheese Cake for $1.99 each. Check out our Japanese Cheesecake board on Pinterest for recipes and ideas about this Japanese treat that’s become an American foodie craze!

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